Search Types - Industry Categories Search

Industry Categories search queries the Industry Terms database to list the actual categories that the keyword(s) falls under.

This option is useful in matching keywords to specific categories and also in locating related keywords from the same category or niche.

Industry Categories search

Enter a search term and click on the Industry button.
Alternatively you can click on the industry terms icon within an existing list of results.

Industry Categories Regional option

To include regional categories such as /Regional/North_America/United_States:, click on "Show" within the "Regional Categories:" drop down list.

Industry Categories Results

Results represent the categories that the selected keyword fall under. You can drill down further to the specific Industry Terms page to view other keywords that also fall under the same Industry category. In the above example, clicking on /Society/Holidays/Valentine's_Day displays the top keywords and the volume of traffic being driven to that particular category.

Industry Categories Group Search

You can either search for Industry categories for a single keyword, or a group of keywords. For a group of keywords, simply tick the keywords within an existing list of results you would like to check and click on the Industry Icon at the bottom of the results.

See the Industry Terms Methodology page for a detailed explanation of how the Industry Terms database is created.

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